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SAI PLAST | SAI PLAST | Side Handle Plastic Bottles | Toilet Cleaner Bottles | Wide Mouth HDPE Bottles | Coconut Oil Bottles | Pharmaceutical Plastic Bottles | | Plastic Pesticide Bottles | Protein Powder HDPE Plastic Bottle's | Floor Cleaner Liquid Bottle Jars | Plastic Cans | Plastic Jerry Cans

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SAI PLAST are engaged in offering our clients a wide range of plastic bottles which include wide mouth HDPE bottles, coconut oil bottles, toilet and floor cleaner bottles, pharmaceutical plastic bottles, plastic pesticide bottles, lubricant oil bottles, side handle plastic bottles, and stainer and thinner bottles. People are exposed to germs that are harmful to their health in many ways which include from using the same water bottles. Bacteria multiply on food that is kept in containers that are not closed properly or in containers exposed to air. We offer fully concealed bottles with safe thread opening bottles for various liquid storing purposes.
Company Profile
Company Name: SAI PLAST
Business Type: Manufacturer

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No. of Total Employees: 11 - 25 People
Contact Details
Company Name: SAI PLAST
Contact Person: Mr. S. K. Singh
Address: 60,Vishal Industrial Estate, Subhash Nagar, Village Road, Opp. CEAT Tyres, Bhandup (West) , Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Pincode: 400078
+91-9View Mobile