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1 Heavy Duty Mixer Grinder Metal Body 1100w to 2000w - manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in India
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1 Heavy Duty Mixer Grinder Metal Body 1100w to 2000w

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Product Description

Commercial Mixer Aluminium Body 

Product    Rate             Jar Capacity

1100w -     4530.00         1.5 L + 2 L
1400w -     6885.00           2 L +  2.5 L
1600w -     9000.00           2 L +  3 L
1800w -    11590.00          2 L +  5 L
2000w -    15125.00          3 L + 5 L
With All Attachment 
1100w - 6470.00
Juicer Mixer (Plastic Body)
1400w -     4530.00     2.5 L Poly Jar * 2
Juicer Mixer (Metal Body)
1100w - 4530.00
1400w - 6885.00


Also Availlable in 1100w, 1400w, 1600w, 1800w, (New Introduce -2000w)

Product-Mixer Grinder
Body-Aluminium +Arnite
2 St.Steels Jar
Capacity- As per Mixer Watts (Different Size of Jar)
Blender Jar With Both Side S.Steel Handle Capacity 2.25 Ltr to 5 ltr
Grinder Jar With Both Side S.Steel Handle Capacity 1.75 ml                                                     Or                                                                                                                                                 Chutney Jar Is availabe as per Required


  • Warranty - 6 Months
  • Rating - 30 Minutes
  • Motor Winding - Copper
  • Motor Speed -18000 R.P.M
  • Ball Bearing In 1400w & 1600w & 1800w
  • Aslo Available in Optional Chutny Jar (Jumbo) 
  • It is Ideal for Restaurant, Hotel & Big Families where their's is huge requirement of Spices Shakes & Chutney for food prepration. With its large Sized Stainless Steel Jars it your day to day task become much easier and hassle free. 
  • The Spacially crafted Arnite With Aluminium Body Makes the Machine more tuff and would not get after  continues usage other brands having plastic Body

Both Jar's Extra Blade set (With Saft & nylone coupler) Free Along with Mixer 



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